[things lately/resting peaceful-like]

fondest pair.

resting thoughts.

repairation of spring frocks (yes...i realize it's still february).

noisetrade.com has tons of sweet, free music - derek webb (the fellow behind noisetrade), the civil wars, joy williams, matthew perryman jones, sleeping at last, plain jane automobile....check it out, and at the very least download webb and the civil wars.
okay, download all of them.
[i love/hate you]
[say what]
richard morris, light
[not by a long shot]
in his crisis, tiger woods mentioned turning to buddhism, his mother’s religion. but what does that mean? if you are in a crisis, what would buddhism offer?
buddhism thinks that if you to look at your suffering, then it gets to be less painful, and that is the way out. zen buddhism actually teaches through sample predicaments:
student: “what if it’s a disaster?”
master: “that’s it too.”
john tarrant for speakeasy @ wsj.com
awkward. awesomely awkward.
who didn't want to see this comeback? besides nbc, of course, which opted to show mr. miller's historic super combined victory on tape delay, several hours later. that's cool. as the nfl taught us years ago, nobody wants to watch live sports on a sunday afternoon.
still, mr. miller persevered—and now takes a restless place in olympic history. it's an amusing mantle for a dissident who liked to renounce the five-ring mystique, who appeared to care less if your breakfast wheaties came with his unshaven, blue-eyed visage. mr. miller with a gold medal is like leonard cohen with an mtv video music award—a strange, comical pairing that somehow feels all right...
...like his east coast homeboy walt whitman, mr. miller contained multitudes. he was large and contradicted himself. he was a nonconformist who graced magazine covers; a maverick draped in a nike deal. the media helped fuel the mythology, portraying mr. miller as a self-taught mountain boy aloof to the sport's fundamentals or customs. part shaman, part jeff spicoli, mr. miller would insist his skiing greatness was a matter of the moment, a state that couldn't be defined by hardware like medals.
jason gay for wsj.com
'bode-licious' is my new favorite word.
[short film]
i'll just say this guy never ceases to amaze.
so here you go.
The Last Wheel Turn from MyShowPro on Vimeo.
[last name EVER, first name GREATEST]

i missed a class by mistake this morning.
the extra sleep almost made it worth it.
sometimes i write letters to inanimate objects in my head:
(dear gap thermal hoodie - you were made for days like this. thank you.
dear winter - i hate you. you leave your snow laying everywhere and never bother to come back and clean it up. my car also says hey - and to give him a break once in awhile.
dear iTunes shuffle - really? 3871 songs, and that's the one you play?
dear facebook - let's face it: we've never really gotten along, and now i'm not sure we can be friends anymore. your chat always screws up and you're slower and change your mind too often.)
ever notice the film scores behind all the olympic athlete tv spots? this year i've heard mostly thomas newman (series of unfortunate events and a little road to perdition)...last time it was pirates of the caribbean and national treasure, and i heard coldplay last night.
now there's a phenomenon i shall never comprehend - coldplay.
ellen's birthday is approaching...

...and this entertains me to no end.
[man of a thousand faces]

we could rightly call it both. luke's account, as does every historical account ever penned (whether explicit or not), shows forth the sovereign majesty of our triune God's redemptive-missional activity in the world and through weak and broken vessels like us, who by His grace neither can nor will leave behind the holy spirit who goes before us and dwells within us.