
Those are pearls that were his eyes

'Leah frowned at Adah, then at me, trying to decide which one of us was the true enemy. She decided on me.
"You can't just assume that what's right & wrong for us is the same as what was right or wrong for them," she said.
"Thou shalt not kill," I replied. "That's not just our way of thinking. It happens to be in the Bible."
Leah & Adah smiled at each other.
"Right. Here's to the Bible," Leah said, clinking her bottle against mine.
"Tata Jesus is bangala!" Adah said, raising her bottle too. She & Leah looked at each other for a second, then both started laughing like hyenas.
"Jesus is poisonwood!" Leah said. "Here's to the Minister of Poisonwood. And here's to his five wives!"
Adah stopped laughing. "That was us."
"Who?" I said. "What?"
"Nathan's five legendary wives. They must have meant us."
Leah stared at her. "You're right."
Like I said: night, day, & the Fourth of July. I don't even try to understand.'

Lately I've been attracted to the graininess achieved with that cheap thing known as a camera embedded over the screen on my laptop - an extra I never thought I'd need or enjoy.

Au contraire.

It also takes mirror image photos. 

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